Blog Archive

Monday, June 8, 2009

Thursday, June 4th

Wow! Another amazing thing has happened, and I am baffled, once again, by God’s goodness, His faithfulness, His watchful eye upon me, His grace, His protection, His unconditional love and His mercy!! Thank You Jesus for being so incredibly awesome!

The surgery that was supposed to happen last February finally took place this past Thursday, June 4th. Ever since our kids were little, I have complained through the years of feeling that something wasn’t right on the right side of my ovaries. I have had lots of examinations, several exploratory surgeries, and ultrasounds, and the Doctors were never able to find anything wrong. My surgery that was scheduled was for a total hysterectomy and a bladder reconstruction. During the past 2 months, I have experienced so much pain and I thought that the majority of the pain was probably due to my bladder condition.

After waiting for 2 hours, Roland and Rachel were met by the surgeon and told that once the surgery began and they started working on me, that he was surprised to find a fibroid tumor (the size of a man’s fist) sitting right next to my uterus. He worked and worked at getting it out, but wasn’t able to dig it out or pull it out, and ran out of options. So he ended up performing an abdominal hysterectomy rather than a vaginal hysterectomy, and instead of taking 1¾ hours, the surgery took 2½ hours! But, I am alive and I am still here!

Now it’s just a matter of ‘putting on the brakes’ and making myself not do anything, and that will be the hardest part! I have a hard time obeying those kind of orders, but it's pretty obvious that this recovery will take quite a while!

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