Blog Archive

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


"... and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us..." Romans 5:5
So many times we hear people describe the Christian life as picture perfect, with no struggles, no hardships; just happiness and love. If you’re a realistic person, you will quickly realize that the Christian life is NOT always full of beautiful roses and perfumed pathways. The pathway that I have traveled has often been crooked and filled with unbelievable hardships, holes along the way, and stumps that I have tripped and stumbled over, sharp horrible prickly thorns have often caught me off-guard, and I have experienced enormous loss, and unbeatable disease. Sometimes the struggles that I have gone through have become almost all-consuming and I’ve thought that I couldn’t go on anymore. The wounds that I carry are very deep. I have questioned everything I could possibly question, and have thrown my fists up high in the air yelling at God – “WHY God, WHY?? I don’t understand!!” Numerous times I have wished for a way out, but I am so thankful for a Savior who loves me regardless of the many times I stumble and fall and want to give up, and for a Savior who gives me hope and a purpose for living. I am so thankful for the moments of unspeakable joy, love, and happiness, and for family and wonderful friends that I have been blessed with along the way! Even when things look bad, God is always good! He is still standing there with His arms spread wide open, ready to accept us, strengthen us, encourage us, forgive us, and love us! How awesome is that?!
"...Put your hope in the Lord, for with the Lord is unfailing love and with him is full redemption..." Psalm 1:30

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